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What to Expect as a New Remote Viewing Student – Assistance and Resources Available

Posted in Paranormal, Remote Viewing, Self-development by farmerjaneusa on September 7, 2011

Remote viewing is a tool you can use to improve your life.  It is a tool that must be earned on a regular basis with practice and fine-tuned by honorable use.  It is not glamorous, not a particularly exciting process to go through, not something to pick up when the rare mood strikes you, or a useless star-streaked ride through wondrous astral planes.  Perception based remote viewing is an attention management skill.

Remote viewing can be used to find out just about anything.  The most practical way to spend your time in session is to discover information that will help improve your life, and perhaps the lives of others.  Sure you could attempt to find out if you should keep seeing some guy, or when the next big earthquake is going to occur, but you could also find out your next best employment opportunity; or what you should be doing to obtain optimum health; perhaps even work with others to find missing children and assist in their recovery; or discover the method to develop the next bestselling widget to help improve the quality of a sick person’s life half way around the world.

84592-55148-110303-01-jane People have all kinds of wild ideas about what a session might look like.  It is not meant to appear “artistic” or feel “other worldly” but is more a data gathering function that results in a simple diagram with simple shapes and words that help describe what is going on.  Most people that start out only have simple lines, angles, circles, rectangles and motion indicators, and some basic words that help describe what they are seeing (and that’s the way it should be when you first get started.)

You spend roughly 45 minutes sitting still in a chair, recording your perceptions in a very orderly way.  It’s quite boring to watch and most serious remote viewers want to be alone while they do this to avoid distractions showing up in session (except for those that use a monitor as is the case with some CRV based methods).

There is a wealth of information hidden in simplicity. I have known quite a number of non-remote viewers who seem put off by the S.T. (site template) of a session, the final result of the data gathered.  It may not look like much, or just come off as a jumble of simple drawings surrounded by words with nothing immediately standing out as anything of interest.  Once you have learned the basics of remote viewing, it becomes quite easy to read and have an idea of what is being portrayed, just as an electrician or architect can immediately make sense of blueprints.

84592-55148 remote viewing feedbackIt takes months or years of steady practice to walk into session day in and day out, able to draw and describe something in such great and accurate detail that anyone looking at an S.T., including the viewer, is almost always able to name it and explain what is going on or what is the significance of that object.

If you are in search of an unknown, as is often the case with a cue (like a question, a set of words) based remote viewing assignment, you may feel lost at first when trying to make sense of the final product. Greater understanding often is gleaned by providing yourself with feedback:  by viewing the photo or reading the cue.  It is then that two and two make four.  Even with simple photos provided after the completion of a practice session, there are often a number of “aha” moments.  It’s these moments that help us to improve.

For group projects only certain data is relied upon: that which repeats itself over at least 2 remote viewer’s sessions for the same assignment.  Through trials it has been shown that information gathered in this way approaches 100% accuracy.  If you complete a session twice, (preferably blind to the fact that you are completing the same session an additional time) you can usually take the data that repeats and rely on that to help you make decisions.  Of course, common sense should always prevail.

There are simple techniques you can use when setting up your “blind assignment basket” so that you can complete a session on the same assignment twice and not know that you are doing so.  This is a slower way of gathering information, but also results in the ability to keep an important project private as well as knowing which information gathered is most reliable.

There are many misconceptions about what remote viewing is and what it is related to in application, form and function.  Perception remote viewing is not channeling or meditation or happens as a result of emptying your mind or relaxing or listening to sound, nor is it dowsing or astral projection.  No amount of supplements, mantras or subliminal tapes are going to make you able to RV or cause you to have a spontaneous “RV experience” or improve the quality of your work.  Only practice, observation and following protocol will cause you to improve. In terms of practicality, it is worlds away from the value astrology reports or tarot card readings can provide (I used to be paid to do both, but have completely quit them).

On a side note… I was very “oh look a squirrel” before I began and would want to scrap sessions left and right for the first six months because I was realizing I had so much brain chatter it was hard to focus. I worked through it and just kept practicing. Now it’s easier for me to focus even when I’m not in session.

I have posted a sample remote viewing practice session to give you a taste of what to expect should you be interested in learning remote viewing.

Remote viewing requires a commitment to yourself.  You must also know why, deep down inside you want to learn and why you want to have this skill at your disposal.  You don’t have to have romantic notions of changing the world, but you have to believe yourself and have a strong conviction that keeps you going when times get tough.The easiest part of remote viewing is learning the basic rules.  If you are not sure yet if remote viewing is right for you, I suggest just jumping in and learn the basics, while letting yourself know it’s fine if you want to pull back after your initial training to evaluate if this is something you want to be a part of your life, to integrate into your own being, like any other skill or hobby.   That time after someone learns to go through the motions and can stumble through a complete session is when a large majority of people either decide they love it or can leave it.  The water’s warm, so pull up your skivvies and take the plunge.  You won’t melt, I promise.

If you have questions, want to learn more about the subject in general or would like help getting started I do offer some free training and provide free practice photo assignments.  I also extend confidential assistance with blind pools, cuing, basic project management and analysis for the novice and experienced remote viewer.  We are all here to help each other,  just email via the contact form on about.me.

you are already psychic, the key lies in being trained to use specific proven protocols. Remote viewing is an attention management skill that utilizes that natural function of the mind. Once trained you are capable of using it to improve the quality of your life and the lives of others.

Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Viewing

Posted in Health, Remote Viewing, Science, society by farmerjaneusa on May 23, 2011

from ProjectJedi.net:

In response to the many questions we receive about remote viewing and the perception process, we have decided to post a Q&A series of articles to answer the most commonly asked questions. We hope you will enjoy it.

This is part one of a five part question and answer series (Q&A) on perception based remote viewing, also known as Solo ERV or SERV.

Each article in the series will contain frequently asked questions about perception and remote viewing.

We will address questions on a variety of remote viewing experience levels.  Some of the questions will be for those new to remote viewing, other Q&A will be for experienced and advanced remote viewers.

Visit ProjectJedi.net for answers to questions you may have never thought to ask! If you have questions about remote viewing that haven’t been answered you can always visit the new open group on Facebook.  So far I’ve seen a lot of friendly people there heavily interested psychic abilities,  health topics and sharing knowledge.

You can view a sample video from the Project Jedi Remote Viewing Training DVD Set here.

Remote Viewing Preparation Strategy

Posted in Remote Viewing, Science, Survival by farmerjaneusa on February 3, 2011

from ProjectJeDi.net:


It is better to improvise, using the tools available to you, than to insist on ideal conditions in which to operate.

“The wind does not break the tree that bends.”

project jedi remote viewing CRN, perception remote viewing, solo ERV, Remote Viewing Preparation Strategy, creating a CRN in non-optimal conditions, remote viewing for survivalSeveral methods were discussed on the Project Jedi Remote Viewing DVD Training Set for creating a CRN (Coordinate Reference Number).  You are not limited to these methods and you are encouraged to create your own reliable methods that work for you.
It is a good idea to be able to produce numbers sufficiently different from what you or others may happen to create and attach to an assignment.  The goal is to have a unique number associated with every photo or cue assigned to a remote viewer.
By feeling comfortable using several methods that properly suit the purpose, you will be better prepared for non-optimal conditions (This is an example of the “no excuse” mentality for implementing RV for your own survival.)

When you have decided to introduce a new method into your preparations for obtaining random numbers for a CRN, test it out first.

Here are a few questions you should ask yourself about the resulting CRN:  Is it truly random?  Is it random enough to be used in emergency situations?  Is it not random, but acceptable as a last resort?  Will you actually have easy access to the needed materials when it comes time to create a CRN?  Is the method simple and fast enough to be practical?  Is there any way to streamline it?  Do you like using it?

Practice the process without creating an assignment you will actually remote view.  Have you found it good enough to use to make one or two CRNs when you have no other options, or is it better suited for creating batches of practice photo assignments? Do you feel confident in using it?

One common way to select numbers is by using an online random number generator.  Many factors may stop you from creating a string of random numbers in the manner you are accustomed to, but don’t let that stop you from using acceptable protocols for remote viewing.  For the moment, if you are reading this off of a website, an online random number generator is a completely viable option.

However, never put all your eggs in one basket.

What other “number generators” do you personally have readily available?

The quickest way to acquire numbers suitable for a CRN is to rely on knowledge of the date and time.  This method creates a 12 digit CRN.  The first half is the date, expressed as a string of six numbers representing the year, month and day in whatever order you usually use.  The second half is the hour, minute and second, of the moment you looked at the clock, expressed in either civilian or military format.

Example: [110102/220558]

Be aware that you do not have an equal chance of all of those digits being 0-9.  You can further customize this number by replacing the first number of each six digit set with your initials or some letters from your name.

Example: [X10102/Z20558]

Turning Diversions into Tools

project jedi remote viewing preparation strategy creating coordinate reference numbers for cues and practice photo assignmentsAnother method discussed on the DVDs involved rolling dice.  Depending on your gaming proclivities, you may also have a deck of playing cards.

Read more at ProjectJeDi.net.

New Widget Available – JPD1 Droid on Your Blogs and Web Pages!

Posted in Applications, Humor, Psychology, Science, Social Media by farmerjaneusa on January 28, 2011
You can put JPD1 on your blogs & web pages!
New widget now available!
This is an absolutely free service for fans of Project Jedi.
Talk to the chat bot to help him learn, ask him to complete math problems or sing to you.  He’s very talented, but still has a great deal to learn about human interactions. You can even tell him what kind of topics you would like him to have more knowledge about.
Visit ProjectJeDi.net to test out JPD1 and grab the code.

Hide a File in a Photo

Posted in Photography, Remote Viewing, Survival by farmerjaneusa on January 18, 2011

At one point or another you may require security for your documents. Perhaps you have been put in charge of safely delivering documents & photos or perhaps you would simply like to keep personal family photos or financial information safely in reach of the proper authorities.


Many remote viewing missions are of a confidential nature. You may be tracking a terrorist, a kidnapped child, or have other information you do not wish to get into the wrong hands.  Remote viewing instructors also face this challenge.  An envelope is needed to conceal the assignment for the RV student which can not be opened until they hand in their assignment.


Encrypted files on your hard drive or Internet storage location are easy to locate/recognize because they often are locked with passwords and usually contain obvious file extensions used by popular retail compression and encryption/decryption software.

The best tactic known is to hide in plain sight. What if you could hide all your encrypted documents and photos inside a image file like a photo? Guess what? You can and it’s FREE and easy for anyone to do!



REMOTE VIEWING: 10 Digit Random Number Generator

Posted in Paranormal, Remote Viewing, Survival by farmerjaneusa on January 13, 2011
Notice to the right of the home page on Project Jedi there is now have a 10 digit random number generator.   Remote viewing sessions usually require a unique reference number, with this generator it is an instant task.
Each time you come to the home page, it will generate a new one. Every person that visits the front page will see a different set of numbers. The odds in getting a duplicate number are about 3 in 10 Billion! You can also click the “CLICK FOR NEW CRN” link to generate a new one.
UPDATE: You can also use the generator at StargateCollege.com

Stage 2 of the Site: Project Jedi Remote Viewing DVD Set Sample Video

Posted in Remote Viewing by farmerjaneusa on January 11, 2011

Check out the latest sample video from ProjectJeDi.net.  This is an excerpt from Chapter 14, which explains and demonstrates Stage 2 of the Site.

Visit ProjectJeDi.net for more sample videos, original articles about remote viewing and to purchase the DVD set.

No experience is necessary.  There is no need for you to consider yourself a psychic.  Remote viewing is a trainable attention management skill.  After you are trained you only need pen and paper to remote view anything, anywhere, in the past, present or future!

Sneak Peak! Project JeDi Remote Viewing DVDs Chapter 7

Posted in Paranormal, Remote Viewing, Survival by farmerjaneusa on January 5, 2011

As promised, here is the first sample video from the Remote Viewing DVD set.

More to come soon.

Perception based remote viewing, being more intense than automatic RV forms,

requires a cool down period.

This sample video covers the “cool down” designed to help prepare you for a session.

Visit ProjectJeDi.net to watch the video and learn more about remote viewing.


How to Remote Influence

Posted in Media, Paranormal, Psychology, Remote Viewing, Survival, Uncategorized by farmerjaneusa on September 17, 2010
Article by – Genny
Keep this uppermost in your mind: we have free will.
Nevertheless, we are constantly being barraged by other peoples’ influences. We seek the opinions of family and friends, we are subjected to myriads of advertisements every day, and we consciously evaluate the language and actions of other people for the meaning of their intents and purposes, thus we are influenced by them. These are, for the most part, conscious influences, and a great deal of our mental, physical and emotional energy is spent in dealing with these influences every day.
Most of our daily lives is comprised of the previous decisions we have made in response to those influences. For example, do you go out the door in the morning without having brushed your teeth or showered? Probably not, because we have been influenced by society that we must take care of personal hygiene before presenting ourselves to the public. In order to deal effectively with people, therefore, we have made a decision to comply with that societal norm because the consequences of not doing so are usually undesirable.
We have made a lot of conscious decisions, using our free will, to these conscious influences. I myself made a conscious decision to ignore advertising long ago. I buy products and services based on other rationales than “brand name”. Nevertheless, those other rationales, whatever they be, are still influences! Price and reputation are definitely influences. Even location is an influence — I will buy this here because I don’t have the time to drive any further looking for a better bargain. Nevertheless, these are influences that we have CHOSEN to affect us.
Remote influencing is similar in that one transmits unconscious ideas that may influence someone else! You may or may not decide to act on impressions from a remote influencer in the same way you may or may not respond to the unconscious ideas presented from advertisements.
From ancient “seers” of old working for kings to influence peoples and nations, to a student visualizing the answer to that tough test question in front of him, we as humans have always used the power of our thoughts to try to get information for our benefit. The miracle is that the Matrix of all information behind all things in the universe tends to respond! But it is in the nature of the Matrix to respond… 

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/thewarriormonk/blog#ixzz0zlkb1kqv


What is Perception Based Remote Viewing and What Does it Take to Become a Remote Viewer?

Posted in Paranormal, Remote Viewing, Science by farmerjaneusa on August 1, 2010

Perception based Remote Viewing is using perception as it pertains to specific sensory functions and “wetware” within the brain to obtain data, bypassing our usual sensory organs.  Also called “remote sensory perception”, “extra sensory perception”, “remote resonance” and even in some cases “holy sensory perception”, remote viewing is the fusion of our inborn ability to resonate with a “location” or “target” or even a “concept” coupled with a practiced skill to disseminate data from imagination, stay focused on the task at hand and stay within proven protocols within one methodology. It is possible to learn to virtually see, hear, smell, taste and feel something miles away using only your current God given sensory system, attention management, pen and paper.  Although the process begins with extremely basic perceptions of color and texture, as the remote viewer progresses more deeply into the session even abstract concepts and specific sounds, up to and including vocalized words, can be reliably gathered by more experienced remote viewer in the advanced stages of a session.

No previous experience or skills are necessary.  You need not be an artist or consider yourself psychic.

To learn more about remote viewing contact me through the email form at about.me and feel free to ask me any questions you may have, including how to get started.  I do provided some free training and assistance for those who are motivated.  You may also do a search on remote viewing in the search bar on this blog.